PT01 BIM Introduction IFC and COBie

BIM for the uninitiated! - Brief overview of BIM and acronyms. The importance of the I in BIM, how BIM will affect you!

Government BIM Strategy - The BIM Task Group and its initiatives.The UK as an exemplar - the EC is mandating BIM too!

Open Standards - the importance of adhering to open standards to ensure communicability. BIM is about collaboration and the use and reuse of the same data which becomes richer throughout the process.

BIM tools - An overview of some of the tools available for BIM

IFC - Industry Foundation Classes - what is that? How to create IFC files for different purposes. Collaboration between consultants. The IFC translator settings. Open BIM - its benefits. The Reference Model concept - workflows between BIM software. Apply rulesets (E.g. Uniclass)

COBie Data - what is meant by COBie drops. What drops will the Architect be responsible for? How to enrich a model with information for COBie documentation. Who will add the other data? How to produce COBie spreadsheets.

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